Friday, September 2, 2011

Innistrad-ing the Right Way

Hello all. Today is all about Innistrad.


Innistrad is a horror-filled world, where its human inhabitants rely on their faith to shield them from the terrors of their world - demons, vampires, werewolves, ghosts, ghouls, zombies, and other undead sorts. The humans believe that their faith in the Church will protect them. But the Church of Avacyn is weak in the abscence of their protector, the Archangel Avacyn. With their greatest defender missing the people have grown weary. Their faith is failing. Their holy relics, shrines, and runes have lost their potency. As the plane of Innistrad runs wild, the people wait for their grace to return.

"Few know why prayers to Avacyn have gone unanswered, but the consequence is clear to all—the old ways no longer carry the power they once had. In her unexplained absence, the power of Avacyn's influence fades, and the power of Innistrad's fiendish ilk grows. The aristocratic vampire families hunt peasant blood for sport and sustenance. Packs of snarling werewolves ravage caravans and villages. Geists float from their tombs and haunt cobblestone alleyways and ancient manors. The unhallowed dead feed their relentless hunger, roused by forbidden magic or stitched together by the inventions of brainsick alchemists. No longer held back by Avacynian magic, the supernatural horrors of the world are now free to prey on humanity."

To view the full article on the world of Innistrad, click here.

For me, a collector at heart, Innistrad is more exciting than your average set. Instead of being a bottom-up design built around mechanics and gameplay needs, Mark Rosewater has assured us that this is the most top-down, flavor-based set in Magic's history. For people like me, and all the other Vorthosians out there, we are in the realm of Magic for one primary reason - the way it makes us feel. We remember the way we felt when we were first introduced to Magic. We relish the excitement of opening up new packs or finding new unreleased art. That's what it's about. For me, preview weeks for the large fall set are the most exciting times of the year. Which brings us to the fun stuff... Who wants to see some awesome preview cards? (Remember, everything you see here has officially been previewed by Wizards of the Coast, and is no longer considered speculation.) Let's go:

Stromkirk Noble

This is my personal favorite card from previews thus far. The art is striking and sickeningly sweet. A vampire aristocrat out for a stroll, in misty daylight, amongst his human foes. Pretty cool. Pretty cool.

Dearly Departed     Elite Inquisitor
Mentor of the Meek     Mikaeus, the Lunarch
Curse of the Bloody Tome     Invisible Stalker
Rooftop Storm     Silent Departure
Bloodgift Demon     Curse of Death’s Hold
Endless Ranks of the Dead     Moan of the Unhallowed
Reaper from the Abyss     Vampire Interloper
Devil’s Play     Skirsdag Cultist
Hollowhenge Scavenger     Moonmist
Wreath of Geists     Olivia Voldaren
Blazing Torch     Wooden Stake

Also, Innistrad brings us the new concept/gimmick/mechanic of double-faced cards. Like the idea of flip cards (from Kamigawa), this allows an individual card to turn - or "transform" - into something else. The logistics of this can get pretty tricky... Wizards explains it here.

Ludevic’s Test Subject (Ludevic’s Abomination)

Screeching Bat (Stalking Vampire)

Kruin Outlaw (Terror of Kruin Pass)

Daybreak Ranger (Nightfall Predator)

Mayor of Avabruck (Howlpack Alpha)

The jury is still out on these for me...

Lastly, but not leastly at all, are the two Planeswalkers from Innistrad. I'll give you two hints: 1. We've met them before. 2. Oh please... come on... you know you already know...

It's Liliana and Garruk! Take a look:

Liliana of the Veil

I must say, you keep surprising me Wizards. I like it. Keep up the good work.

Until next time, may you be protected from the horrors of the multiverse. And as always, happy collecting!

- Brasif

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